Friday, February 23, 2007

People give to people they relate to--Fundraising letter writing tip

I read a post on Donor InSite recommending that writers of fundraising copy hang up photos of their donors, or photos of people from magazines representing their donors, to look at and remember when composing fundraising letters. This is a very good idea.

Writers should do the same thing with photos of or representing clients. It is always helpful to have stories to tell for fundraising copy about the lives changed through the direct generosity of the targeted donors. Looking at photographs of clients can help you remember those stories and to tell them more compellingly, hopefully engendering a more visceral connection between you and them, and between them and the donors through you.

It might also be interesting to see how the photos you select for donors and the ones you pick of clients compare or contrast with each other. Do they look more alike than you expected? That could be another very compelling concept to convey. People give to people, that’s the old fundraising saying. I would add that people give to people they can relate to in some way, and as the fundraising copywriter, it’s up to you to show them what that connection is and make them feel it more strongly than ever before.

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